Selasa, 28 Januari 2014


English Script

Dinda Risza Riani
Ellania Ramadhani
Fadhila D.S
Farhan Ichsan
Febbry Andika R
Ferdi Endinanda
Gema Akbar M.A
Insani Ramadhan
XI Science 4

SMA Negeri 3 Bandung

Cast of Characters

FARHAN ICHSAN – lost person with only an address and no memory of anything else

GEMA AKBAR – a person to be feared who is the only one who can guide FARHAN

FEBBRY ANDIKA – a friendly and concerned person who befriends FARHAN

ELLANIA R. – an angry individual who is annoyed easily

FERDI ENDINANDA – quick to get into other people’s business

FADHILA DEWI – complains about everything and everyone

DINDA RISZA – an overly friendly person who is upset by harsh words

INSANI RAMADHAN – willing to cast a dark shadow on any situation

Scene 1

(Farhan is suddenly awake, he’s afraid, he run to knock Gemma’s bed, he’s lost. He don’t know any way to home)

GEMA:Who's that? What's with knocking my bed?


GEMA:You quiet yourself.

FARHAN:I'm sorry. Please go back to sleep.

GEMA:Don't you start telling me what to do. You done plenty already.

FARHAN: It was an accident.

ELLA:Will you shut up?!

FERDI: Who's yelling?

FADHILA: Hey, man. Go to sleep. There's other people around here you know.

GEMA:Yeah, I know. So shut your trap.

FARHAN: Please, all of you, go back to sleep.

FEBBRY: Who's the fancy talker? I bet he wears a tie?

GEMA: I don't see none on him. He lucky. I would a used it to strangle him.

FARHAN: I'm sorry. I just need a place to sleep.

GEMA: There ain't none here.

FEBBRY: You got two blankets. Why don't you give him one?

GEMA: What with you? You take a liking to him?

FEBBRY: Well, he ain't got no tie.

GEMA: And I ain't got no blanket. So go somewhere else.

FARHAN: I'll go. It's okay.

DINDA: You can always sleep in this blanket, I got two blankets anyway.

INSANI: What're you talking about? You always feel cold. You're the one who needs two blankets.

DINDA: Careful what you say, I might cry.

FADHILA: Oh, man. Last time she cry, she wouldn't shut up all night.

FARHAN: Everyone, please. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble.

GEMA: You too late. You already did. Now, you have to pay.

DINDA: (Almost a whisper) Be gentle with him.

GEMA: Shut up, woman!

ELLA: Why don't you?! I'm tryin' to sleep here.
(Silence. GEMA crosses to ELLA's ad he point at him) What do you want?!

GEMA: No one mouths off at me.

ELLA: Too late, I already did. (In a quick motion, GEMA tips the blanket, kicks ELLA, and pins him to the floor with his foot. FARHAN tries to escape during this but is caught by FERDI and FADHILA. FERDI and FADHILA push FARHAN roughly into a sitting position on a blanket. Once again everything is still again)
GEMA: What you say to me, girl?

ELLA: Nothing, nothing at all.

GEMA: And what you say to me later?

ELLA: Nothing.

FERDI: (Holding FARHAN) We got this one.

FADHILA: What you gonna do with him?

GEMA: (Crosses to FARHAN, grabs his face roughly and makes FARHAN look up at him) Does I scare you?

FARHAN: (Softly) Yes.

GEMA: (Smiles, still holding him, looking into his eyes) It's that look I love. I loves it more than women. And you's got it. (He roughly releases FARHAN. Others leave him alone and go to the corners to converse. GEMA sits on his blanket. FEBBRY goes to FARHAN)

FEBBRY: Hi, there.


FEBBRY: My name's Febbry. (Holds out hand. They shake)

FARHAN: Farhan.

FEBBRY: I think Gema is very nice person.

FARHAN: I think you're wrong.

FEBBRY: He's not as bad as he looks. He's really a pussy cat deep down.

FARHAN: Yeah, with long claws, long teeth, and rabies.

FEBBRY: Oh, you’re funny. We can be friends.

FARHAN: Where am I?

INSANI(Joins them): You're down, man. You're at the end of existence.

FEBBRY: He exaggerates.

INSANI: You eg-za-der-dates if you's saying otherwise.

FARHAN: I was told to come here. At least, I think so. (Takes out paper) Here's the address. (FEBBRY is silent when he sees paper)

INSANI: That's bad man. Real bad.


INSANI: That place.

FARHAN: Then this isn't it?

INSANI: This place is far from it, man. This is Disneyland to that.

FARHAN: Maybe I shouldn't go.

FEBBRY: You have to.

FARHAN: Who will take me there, then?

FEBBRY: Gema can take you.

FARHAN: Gema? Why him?

INSANI: That's a bad place. Only Gema goes there. (To FEBBRY) They say he's from that neighborhood.

FEBBRY: If that's possible.

FARHAN: Can it be that bad?

INSANI: Where you comin' from, man? Don't you know nothin' about this neighborhood?

FARHAN: This is all new to me.

INSANI: It better be unnew and fast or you's gonna lose yourself here.

FEBBRY: That place where you're going...


FEBBRY: It's dangerous... cops don't even go there.

INSANI: And when Gema goes, he don't bring no one back.

FEBBRY: You didn't have to tell him that.

INSANI: It's the truth, isn’t it?

FARHAN: I'm free, aren't I? I just won't go. I'll stay here. That's easy enough.

INSAN: You forget. Gema won't let you. You're stuck.

FARHAN: Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

INSANI: Hey, he catches on quick.

FEBBRY: Not quick enough I'm afraid.

FARHAN: Won't Gema help me through?

INSANI: Gema? Help? Those words don't go, man. Gema would sooner see you hurt than helped. That's his way.

FARHAN: I may as well go alone then.

FEBBRY: Gema would go anyway. It’s his job. You may as well go with him.

INSANI: You stick with Gema in that neighborhood, man. You'll be glad you did. With them the way they are there, he'll be your best friend.

FARHAN: I don't understand any of this. What is this stupid address? I don't want to go, but what else can I do? There's nothing behind me. There's nothing here. The only thing I have is this address.

INSANI: Keep what you got. It could be worse… but not much. (Moment of silence. GEMA gets up and puts on a jacket. GEMA crosses over to them. INSANI sees him and crosses away. FARHAN and FEBBRY notice GEMA when INSANI leaves)

GEMA (To FARHAN): You coming?

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

GEMA: Show me your paper.

FARHAN: Paper?

GEMA: (Louder and sharper) The address!

(FARHAN quickly gives it to him)

GEMA: (Laughs darkly) Bad place. What's a fancy talking little wuss like you doing in a neighborhood like this?

FARHAN: Someone gave me the address. I don't remember them saying anything else.

GEMA: Probably better that way.

FARHAN: What is this place anyway?

GEMA: That depends on you.

FARHAN: What is that supposed to mean?

GEMA: (Laughs) You see. What that they say. "Patience is a..." What's that word?

FARHAN: "Virtue."

GEMA: Yeah. You got to get yourself some of that.

FARHAN: I thought I had plenty before this.

GEMA: You find you got a lot less after. It’s time

FEBBRY: (Goes up to FARHAN) Keep safe.

GEMA: I ain't got the time!

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

FARHAN: Good-bye. Perhaps I'll be back this way again. (FEBBRY smiles sadly)

GEMA: You comin'? (FARHAN follows GEMMA,  FEBBRY watches sadly. INSANI glances reluctantly, but turns away. Lights fade to black)

(Finally GEMA leads Farhan to his home and Gema disappear right away. Farhan watches himself sleep on the bed, he stares quizically then sleep upon his body)

FARHAN: (wakes up with sweat and breathes pantingly) Oh! Thank God it was just a dream.

Senin, 27 Januari 2014


Photo: Great Nicobar Island after tsunami
A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that sends surges of water, sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet (30.5 meters), onto land. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore.
These awe-inspiring waves are typically caused by large, undersea earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries. When the ocean floor at a plate boundary rises or falls suddenly it displaces the water above it and launches the rolling waves that will become a tsunami.
Most tsunamis, about 80 percent, happen within the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire,” a geologically active area where tectonic shifts make volcanoes and earthquakes common.
Tsunamis may also be caused by underwater landslides or volcanic eruptions. They may even be launched, as they frequently were in Earth’s ancient past, by the impact of a large meteorite plunging into an ocean.
Tsunamis race across the sea at up to 500 miles (805 kilometers) an hour—about as fast as a jet airplane. At that pace they can cross the entire expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less than a day. And their long wavelengths mean they lose very little energy along the way.
In deep ocean, tsunami waves may appear only a foot or so high. But as they approach shoreline and enter shallower water they slow down and begin to grow in energy and height. The tops of the waves move faster than their bottoms do, which causes them to rise precipitously.
A tsunami’s trough, the low point beneath the wave’s crest, often reaches shore first. When it does, it produces a vacuum effect that sucks coastal water seaward and exposes harbor and sea floors. This retreating of sea water is an important warning sign of a tsunami, because the wave’s crest and its enormous volume of water typically hit shore five minutes or so later. Recognizing this phenomenon can save lives.
A tsunami is usually composed of a series of waves, called a wave train, so its destructive force may be compounded as successive waves reach shore. People experiencing a tsunami should remember that the danger may not have passed with the first wave and should await official word that it is safe to return to vulnerable locations.
Some tsunamis do not appear on shore as massive breaking waves but instead resemble a quickly surging tide that inundates coastal areas.
The best defense against any tsunami is early warning that allows people to seek higher ground. The Pacific Tsunami Warning System, a coalition of 26 nations headquartered in Hawaii, maintains a web of seismic equipment and water level gauges to identify tsunamis at sea. Similar systems are proposed to protect coastal areas worldwide.

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014


1.If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy some computer
   If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy some computer
   If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have bought some computer

 If I have 1 million dollar, i will save it to the bank
    If i had 1 million dollar, i would save it to the bank
    If i had had 1 million dollar, i would have saved it to the bank

3.   If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a car
      If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy a car
      If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have bought a car

4.   If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a new bag
     If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy a bag
      If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have bought a bag

5.   If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a sweater
      If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy a sweater
      If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have bought a sweater

6.   If I have 1 million dollars, I will buy a big house
      If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy a big house
      If I had had 1 million dollars, I would have bought a big house

7. I will be happy if I meet my family
    I would be happy if I met my family
    I would have been happy if I had met my family

8. I will be happy if I have a money
    I would be happy if I had a money
    I would have been happy if I had had a money

9. If i'm a successful person, i will help poor people
    If i was a successful person, i would help poor people
    If i had been a successful person, i would have helped poor people

10.I will be happy if I have plenty of money
     I would be happy if I had plenty of money
     I would have been happy if I had had plenty of money


My name is Insani Ramadhan .I want to tell you about student concil.Student concil is organisation that consist of people who want to socialize with other people.And i want to tell you about my self .Im a simple person and straight who dont like uncertainty.Ihave alot oh abilities to be a leader of this organization there are:

1.friendly with other people

With my abilities i have vision and mission 

My vision is :
Make the student to be disciplined,obey the rules

My mission is ::
1.Improve discipline students in a variety of a actirities
2.Move firmly in the rules school

My first program if i chosen as student concil leader i will held some event and improve performance of high school student.